Sunday, November 23, 2008

Update at the ranch

Hey ya'll, sorry I've been a little incognito lately...its been a little nuts around here. Riley is still amazingly doing wonderful, thanks for all the prayers for the little stinker, typical boy....just likes to give his mama a scare. Sorry I've missed Life group and Sunday nights. Things have just been a little hectic. Dogs, dad, time at the real ranch, work, refinancing the house, making arrangements to get the truck fixed and trying to get stuff together to fix the roof...just haven't been able to squeeze it all in. Things should hopefully calm down in the next week or so and life can get back to "normal" (whatever that really means).

This might sound a little weird, but things are going really and truly incredibly good right now and that just scares the tar out of me. I'm so used to the bad that when its good I'm always waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under me. Trying really hard right now to just trust God. Trust is really a 5 letter word for me, didn't learn how to do it growing up so its really hard now. Doing my best to just accept the fact that God is in control and I just have to do my best to live in Him but every once in a while, the fear rears its ugly head. Is God playing with me, getting my hopes up or setting me up to fall really hard? I know that isn't truth but my head doesn't always see the truth. Ok, this necessity to be so transparent is really freaking me out. Bear with me, I'm still trying to find myself....have you seen me lately?? LOL!!!!

My boys are coming for a visit this week, Chiefers and Jericho get to come spend Thanksgiving with Aunt Robbi and cousins Riley, Shadow and Bear. Woohoo....fur will be flying everywhere. Thats an ok thing here at the ranch by the all sweeps up eventually! Now, the only issue is going to be, where is Aunt Robbi gonna sleep...have you ever tried to share a bed with 5 dogs, especially when 2 of them are already over 100 lbs each and the other 3 combined make another 100 lbs. maybe I'll just grab a blanket and hit the floor!!

Oh, news flash...I"m thinking about going back to school again. I know I know, I just got done, but I'm really thinking about going for the Associates in the Veterinary Technician program. Another 2 years, but this time I'd actually have a degree instead of just a certificate. Thoughts, opinions, suggestions.............

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