Friday, November 14, 2008

God is Good

well, amazingly my little dog must be part cat because it appears that he has 9 lives. Riley woke up this morning and bounced out of the bed on his own, trotted outside, did his morning ritual and bounced, yes, bounced, skipped, jumped, whatever you want to call it, up the back stairs and into the kitchen where he proceeded to eat half of my breakfast. he's back to his perky 15 year old self and I only have God to thank. I went to bed last night pretty sure that I would have to put my boy down today and God heard my cry and restored my little old man. Thank You Jesus!!

1 comment:

Jody said...

I am glad that everything is back to normal around there. Where were you Sunday night? I hope you are planning on coming over this coming Sunday. I am making a turkey.