Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009, Oh Boy!

Well, it was bound to happen, 2009 has arrived and with it has come at least 1,000 questions for me about life. I stare at this pretty certificate on my wall that has my name on it and looks really official, like its something special, but I really can't do anything with it. Being a Certified Veterinary Assistant qualifies me only for a minimum wage what do I do? Seriously look for the minimum wage job that would bring so much joy and fulfillment into my life or stay with the dead end job I"m in because it pays the bills? or, do I go back to school, again, for 2 more years and earn an Associates as a Veterinary Technician? Sounds good, feels right, except for a few hiccups. How do I squeeze two 9 week clinicals into the schedule of my dead end job without losing that job and the ability to pay the bills?

The 30 day countdown has begun for my "mid life" crisis, although, I think I"ve had about a dozen of those already. How is it that I'm about to be 40 years old? How did I get this old? Thinking back I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I would still be alive to turn 40. I"ve always had this picture in my mind that when someone turned 40, they had their life pretty well mapped, home, career, friends, etc. Well, I definitely don't fit that picture. I don't really have a family to call my own, unless you count my furry children. Don't have a career, just a job that is slowing driving me nuts. I have a house that I'm trying to redo, but, its really hard to redo something the way you like it and want it, when you really haven't figured out who the heck you really are. It took me a year and a half to pick out paint colors for my back room that will eventually (hopefully soon) be my office. A year and a half to pick out paint......well, have you seen the choices out there. I was at Home Depot today with a friend and she brought home a bunch of those paint swatches, just how many shades of purple does the world really need?!

I don't feel 40, I still feel like I"m 20 something...except that I"m trying to start my life 20 years late and there isn't any way to get back the time that was stolen. Don't mean for this to sound heavy or depressing, just had to get it out of my head before it drove me nuts.

On a lighter note, "da boys" are visiting the ranch again. Chiefers and Jericho have joined the pack for the week. I can't get over how much Chiefers has grown, he's almost as big as my Shadow now. Have you ever tried to share a full size bed with approx. 400-425 lbs of dog? Crowded just ain't the word for it, but once they all settle down and find their perfect spot, and I can finally find some semblance of a comfortable position....the slowing of their breathing, their little snuffles in their sleep as they dream of chasing rabbits, its so beautiful and peaceful.......then Shadow snores like a freight train and everybody wakes up and all in unison we roll over so we don't knock each other out of the bed. Ain't it great!!

Ok, well, I"ve rambled long enough to bore myself...

I"m still trying to find myself...have you seen me lately? LOL!!

oh, if anyone knows how to put in parquet flooring (sp?), let me know, got a new project on my hands and could probably use some help! (and the flooring only took a year to pick out, maybe I"m getting better :o)

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