Friday, September 19, 2008

Fear of Man

Why are we as people so afraid of each other, well, besides the obvious...we have a tendency to hurt each other. But why do we really care what other people think about us or what we do? Does it really make a difference?

A friend of mine says fear of man does nothing more than make us sick. Yeah, he's how do we get past it? When do we know that we've stopped being afraid of what man thinks and only care about what God really thinks about us? Can we ever really get there in our humanness? Yes, I'm full of questions tonite, get over it! Oh wait, was that rude, maybe I need to rephrase that...see what I mean...we worry so much about impressing others or making sure we don't rock the boat or offend someone that we are never truly real with ourselves or the people that we choose to be in a relationship with. If we can't be real with ourselves, how can we be real with other people and most can we be real with God?

I've lived in denial for so long that somewhere along the way, the person that God intended me to be got lost. So much bad stuff happens in life and it molds us and changes us and we get sidetracked and sometimes really really lost (yea, I know, english teachers are having heart failure because of my grammar tonite). Nobody died from it so I"m not too worried about it...or am I?

Why is it so much easier to believe all the bad things a person says about us? Rejection, worthlessness, feeling lower than the slime on a slugs belly...why do we believe this over and above when someone says hey, you are really a great person. Sometimes life just seems so backwards.

Not sure why I'm rambling about this tonite except for the fact that I am speaking in church on Sunday and I am terrified. Some people know some of the things from my past, but I"ve never really told the whole story and now I"m gonna tell it to 200 or so people...oi vey...what was I thinking? What if I say something the wrong way or what if an offcolor word slips out or I offend somebody..what if I bomb the song that I"m singing and why does any of this really matter when I'm doing what God has told me to do. I should be doing this for Him and Him alone and let him worry about the impact of my words on people (not that I"m intentionally going to do anything wrong, just wanted to clarify that). Its not my job to change people's hearts, its just my job to be obedient to what God has told me to do, right?

Anyhoo, life goes on, the pups are sleeping and I should be too......


Jenny said...

Yeah, why do we worry so much about rejection when we aren't rejected by the only one who matters? The devil sure knows how to cheat us out of living fully!

cressfamily said...

Oh, Robbi I love the blog! I also loved the message on Sunday. I know you made an impact on the Cress household and I am sure there were many spiritual conversations between families as a direct result of what you said. Specifically I kept thinking about how you have had to overcome so much to be part of his kingdom. When you get your, "well done good and faithful servant" it will mean a lot in your heart to know what you had to overcome to be there.

Jody said...

Hey, it's good to see you're blogging. I have to say that we are pleased that Seth has a great teacher in his Sunday school class. I just hope he isn't too mischievous for you.

See you at the potluck on Sunday night.

Brandijo said...

Kudos on the testimony last Sunday!! Josh and I were talking all day about how brave and proud we were of you, and how hard it really is to go up in front of all those people and give your heart to everyone to hold. You made a impact on our family, and we hope that others will learn by your example. Let me know if you mind if I put you on my friends on the blog and here's my blog address.