Thursday, September 18, 2008

Chaos at the ranch

Once again we find ourselves "Doggie Sitting" kids just love it, at least I think they do. New butt to sniff, newcome to intimidate, someone else they can steal a bone from and another reason to suck up to "mom" for more attention....they are such a jealous lot. Miss Josey is spending the weekend with us all the way from the Mount of Olives, technically thats this little town not too far from here called Mt Olive. She took on the pack one at a time, poor old Riley, got his nose bit twice cause he just wouldn't leave her alone. Oi, its gonna be a long weekend, but it will be fun.

Passed my radiology exam, can you see me glowing in the dark yet? Better yet, would you trust me to light up your pup or kitty?? oooh, time will tell. I'll be done in least I better be or I won't get my certificate. What I'm gonna do with it besides hang it on the wall, I don't know yet..still waiting on God to show me.

Feeling a little weird tonite, its Thursday, why not?! Getting kinda nervous about Sunday. I"m gonna be talking Sunday at church, oooo, aaaaa, can you hear the excitement as the crowd roars....or throws rotten tomatos. maybe I better wear old clothes :o)

An amazing thing about life is that you have a friend who suddenly becomes a really great friend, a friend that you never expected to have, that gets everything about you and someone you don't have to tell them everything...they just kinda see it. Its cool to get a chance to see yourself thru someone else's eye's. God has blessed me this week with such a friend and I will be forever greatful for that relationship.

still trying to find myself...have you seen me lately? if so, tell me to call home, will ya! still doesn't seem right that I'm almost 40, how'd that happen? I don't feel almost 40, more like 10 or 12 or occasionally 20

well thats enough chaos for one evening, tune in next week for another episode of Robn8trs Rambles....ooh aah feel the excitement!!

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